
2023: War in Ukanafun over Dr Charity Ido’s second term ambition

Viewed as an attempt to disrupt the peace agreement between Ukanafun and Afaha political blocs

Except urgent steps are taken by political stakeholders in Ukanafun Local Government Area and the State Government, the current cold war over the ambition of the present member representing the Area in the State House of Assembly, Dr Charity Ido to go for a second term in office may consume the entire area.
Our Correspondent learned that the decision by Dr Ido to seek re-election to represent the people has brought serious tension, fear of return of militant activities and mistrust to the already crisis prone area.
Speaking with our Correspondent on the current tension that is enveloping the area, the leadership of Mboho Akwa Afaha, Ukanafun Chapter said that the decision by Dr Ido to go for a second term in office, is against the age long agreement among the two blocs (Ukanafun and Afaha) that make up the area.
The group noted that Dr Ido is a beneficiary of a single term agreement, thus, cannot turn around to betray the trust of the people. He insisted that it the “turn of Afaha to produce the next representative of the people at the State Assembly”.
According to the influencial group, “Ukanafun Local Government Area is made up of Ukanafun and Afaha blocs and the stakeholders had over two decades ago agreed to rotate the assembly seat to the two blocs as a way of checking the incessant crisis that always bedeviled the area during election.
“The elders and stakeholders agreed on this and kept faith on it which brought peace to the area. Even when late Obong Okon Uwah (an Afaha son) was persuaded by the former Governor to go for a second term in office, he declined and said that he will not toy with the age long agreement. This gave a chance for an Ukanafun son to succeed him.
“Even when Obong Okon Uwah successor made an attempt to go for a second term, the stakeholders stood their ground and allowed an Afaha son to take their turn”, he said.
The Mboho noted that the second term ambition in Ukanafun by Dr Ido could bring more devastating crisis that could consume the area if not nipped in the bud as according to him, “Ukanafun is sitting on a keg of gun powder and could explote any time soon if urgently checked”
The Mboho insisted that “it is the turn of Afaha to produce the next House of Assembly member and that Dr Charity Ido should not allow selfish ambition to set fire in Ukanafun”
Another stakeholder in Ukanafun politics, Mr Ubong Umuoh said that the Afaha turns to produce the next House of Assembly member is not negotiable. He wondered why Dr Charity Ido whom he said is a beneficiary of one term agreement would not learn from the history and drop her ambition.
Our Correspondent gathered that a section of Afaha people under the aegis of Esop Ikpaisong Afaha, had a fortnight ago gathered in a community called Ikot Udo Mbang and endorse Dr Charity Ido for a second term. The action, it was further gathered was widely condemned by even elders from Ukanafun bloc who insisted that it is the turn of Afaha and that they will not allow one person ambition to set crisis in the area again.
The position of the Ukanafun bloc, it was gathered, re-echoed at the weekend during a stakeholders meeting of Southern Ukanafun hosted by the political leader of the area, Obong Saturday Akpan. While the stakeholders had unanimously adopted Pastor Umo Eno as PDP governorship aspirant in the 2023 election, and also passed a vote of confidence member representing Ukanafun/Oruk Anam Federal Constituency, Mr Unyime Idem and urged him to go for a second term in office, the stakeholders were said to have been silent on the second term ambition of Dr Charity Ido.
However, media aides to Dr Charity Ido have insisted that that their principal has the right to contest for a second term based on her performance. They have also challenged the stakeholders to produce the written one term agreement.
Meanwhile, leaders in the area have called on the State Governor, Mr Udom Emmanuel and the PDP leadership in the State to quickly intervene in the second term ambition of Dr Ido to avoid another unprecedented crisis that could consume the area.

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