
UKANAFUN STATE CONSTITUENCY SEAT 2023: Your vote for Emem Udom is your hope

He can be trusted to deliver

UKANAFUN STATE CONSTITUENCY SEAT 2023: Your vote for Emem Udom is your hope
*Hope for the Completion of abandoned Ukanafun General hospital
* Hope for the revival of the abandoned Ministry of works at Mile 24
* Hope for a civic center in Southern Afaha
*Hope for security
* Hope for proper use of money meant for constituency projects for public good without diversion into private pocket
* Hope for job placement for our teaming unemployed youths.
* Hope for the protection of Ukanafun interest.
VOTE for #EmemUdom
He will not divert constituency projects money to build private Nimrodic towers of babel.

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Aniekan Ibekwe is set to tie the nuptial knot

AMILCAR CABRAL: Continue to rest in peace great African hero.