
Bloom and Flourish in Your Marriage

In Turning Point With Townhall Platform

TOPIC: Bloom and Flourish in Your Marriage
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 91:12-14 “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, THEY will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green”
MESSAGE: Every normal human being is designed with an inbuilt desire to marry, own a home, raise children and live a blossoming happy life. Are you married already or single and trusting God to get married soon or sometime in the future? I want to encourage you to believe that God will make your union to bloom and flourish in Jesus name.
As somebody who has been married for close to 2 decades now, I can honestly and confidently testify to you that all Godly marriages are both challenging and sweet. Never ever get into any marriage and think it will be a cake walk. But when the foundation of your marriage is rooted in the word of God, be rest assured that your anchor will hold when storms arise.
The resolve to marry and the wisdom to make a good choice are some of the challenging issues in the life of every person. It shows the desire to take responsibility by showing commitment to spend the rest of your life with someone you love. This is why responsible people who believe in the sacred institution of marriage are always truly devoted to making their marriage work by putting constant effort in watering their union to bloom and flourish.
If you are planning or trusting God to move from being single to a healthy marriage life, just have at the back of your mind that a happy marriage does not happen instantaneously. You have to get through the transition period. The truth is that when a couple first gets married, it is real excietment and fantasy of regular sex and kisses at the beginning. After some months or years, real life of challenges will set in. It could come in the areas of low cash flow, delay in child bearing, extended family pressure or incompatibility. Household members, relatives and other third parties are sometimes the most aggressive enemies of most marriages. Always depend on God for wisdom on how to deal and content with such intimate enemies.
If you are already married and marking anniversaries, just trust God to overcome all the challenges you are currently facing inside your union. Like the palm trees that has the capacity to survive any tornado, trust God to see you through all the storm in Jesus name.
PRAYER FOR COUPLES My Father and my lord, I cover my marriage, family children and all that concerns me with the blood of Jesus. Cause my marriage to bloom and flourish with wonderful fruits in Jesus name-Amen
PRAYER FOR SINGLES: Father and my Lord, I depend on you to bring the right man or woman my way. Order my steps that I may not make mistakes in the choice of a life partner. Send me a helper as wife (caring man as husband). Bless my future that I may bloom and flourish in my marriage in Jesus name-Amen.

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