
Embrace God and be secured

He will Protect, Preserve and Prosper you

Go into the Ark and embrace God

The LORD will protect you from all evil

He will promote and lift you on high

God will preserve you and your family

And make you exceedingly fruitful

What God did for Noah and his family before, during and after the flood that destroyed the world is a solid evidence about God readiness to protect, promote and preserve His people during adversity.
Noah was informed in advance by God about His plan to destroy the world through flood. He obeyed the Lord’s instructions to build an ark. When the day of destruction eventually drew close, God instructed Noah in Genesis 7:1 as follows:
“Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation”
Noah without doubt was a righteous man who stood out as the only man that feared God in his generation. The righteousness of
Noah activated the favour of God in his life which extended to his entire household.
God’s ability to preserve, protect and promote His people is also reinforced in Isaiah 4:6, which says,
“The Lord will provide a booth for shade by day from the heat, and for a refuge and a shelter from the storm and rain”
The above scripture beautifully describes the kind of protection and preservation God extended to Noah and his family which is what God promises to do for all of us today. God promises to protect His people from the evil that surrounds them. He promises to preserve them to fulfill their purpose.
Friends, God always intervene in our lives to protect us most often more than we can ever imagine.
Though you may face challenges in this world, Jesus is saying to you, ” go into the ark, and depend totally on Me, I, the Lord will protect and preserve your soul”
Friends, nobody who stays faithful to God and obey Him has ever been forsaken. God always preserve His people from evil.
Their later end of people who are faithful to God, like Noah is always more fruitful and greater than the beginning. May it be so for you in Jesus name-Amen.
1.Thank you Lord for Your grace upon my life and my beautiful family. I have no power of my own to protect and preserve myself and my family from all of the evil in this world. With humility Iam asking for your help Lord. Please watch over my life life and my family always in Jesus’ name, Amen.
2.Father send down prosperity upon my life and family in Jesus name- Psalms 118:25
3. Father, as I continue to serve you, cause me to spend my days in prosperity and my years in investment in Your kingdom in Jesus name- Job 36:11
4. Father, as I continue to favour your righteous cause, cause me to prosper financially as you overflow my life with joy and happiness in Jesus name- Psalms 35:27
5. Father as I walk in the path of righteousness and seek ways to please you, cause me to prosper financially in whatever good I put my hands to do in Jesus name-Amen- Psalms 1:1-5
I pray in Jesus Name-Amen

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