

Commended by the Senate President, HE Senator Akpabio for building a network of unity bridges across the State

His political portrait is a portrayal of epic performing politician. Having integrated all strata of his constituency into his government, Governor Umo Eno has emphasized that his administration prioritizes the empowerment of the people. He has advised that entrepreneurship is a perquisite for the empowerment programme, even as he has raised many from the dust. The Holy Book of books has buttressed this point when it said, “The Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous in all the work of thy hand… (Deut. 35:9 KJV)”. He has paid generous attention to the empowerment of women, the youth, and the vulnerable.
The era, as it is unfolding, is an epoch when promise is sacred – a verbal commitment that is not meant to be broken. A South Korean politician, Park Won-Soon has stated that “A new era doesn’t come from nothing. New thoughts, values and methods would be established after overcoming various huddles on the way”. It is a period of when inclusion is a flag-ship strategy to gain mastery of creativity for the good of the people who should come together to make positive change inevitable. Paul Wellstone has posited that, “there are three critical ingredients to progressive change: Good public policy, grassroots organizing and electoral politics. Any positive change starts with a rumble at the grassroots development.” This is where the nucleus of the vision is encapsulated for the requisite paradigm shift to change the narratives.
The Governor keeps every promise he makes and only make promises he can keep. This is a distinctive character in a clime where presumably honest people have no regard for truth and where promises are like eggs which can easily be broken. The State Chief Executive abhors mago mago and keeps a respectable distant from high priests of con artistry who have swindled their irate electorate for the umpteenth time.
The Golden Era is a period that is strictly for the good of the people. This is in line with the philosophy of Arise Agenda that is predicated on good governance which has to be pro-people and proactive. It puts the people at the centre of development process. To achieve this laudable gold, Francis Bacon has informed us that, “If we are to achieve things never before accomplished, we must employ methods never attempted. Governor Eno is set to build a spectacular historic era. Visualizing what he has for his people through the principles of personal vision, he has established Ibom Leadership Entrepreneurship Initiative in Uyo. This initiative is set to develop the youth with attitude and attitudinal reorientation. John C. Maxwell has espoused that, “If your vision doesn’t cost you something, it is only a day dream.” The purpose of a vision is to take you and your people as in this case from where you are to where you dream of being. It is about positive change, progress, growth, expansion and improvement. Dr. Feighon Ford has opined that, “Vision is the very stuff of leadership; the ability to see in a way that compels others to pay attention, it triggers strategic and incisive thinking which spurs creative acumen – the raw material for peak performance.
To accomplish this feat, the Governor has enjoyed the sterling support of his party, the PDP which provided the ladder to his pole position. During his new year visit to the party Secretariat at Atan Offot in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom State Chapter Chairman of the PDP, Elder Aniekan Simon Akpan reiterated the unflinching support of the party to this amiable leader. Let’s hear from the horse’s mouth: “So far, the working synergy between the Governor and the leadership of our party has been encouraging… We trust God that this seamless relationship would blossom, even as I promise to work with my team to maintain the existing unity among party officers, the stakeholders, the political class and our teeming supporters. Moreso, I will strengthen our highly cherished team spirit and maintain uniform vigilance to sustain the political will of our people – to drive a smooth PDP administration in the State”.
Peace is the oil with which the engine of development is lubricated. Crimes complicate development challenges. In the twilight of our trajectory when there is so much for the greedy and nothing for the needy, when economic miasma has compounded the challenges of nation-building, when insecurity has become a chronic national headache, Akwa Ibom State under the leadership of Pastor Eno has remained a paradise of profound peace. He exudes peace and harmony. Of course, when the righteous rule, the people rejoice. In this regard, we find the description of Askia The Great (1493-1528) of Songhai Empire by a French Journalist and entrepreneur, Albert Felix Dubois more appropriate for the Governor: “A brilliant light shining after a great darkness”.
Governor Eno has cultivated a rosy rapport with all his predecessors in the State. They have equally supported him to lead the State to a higher height. During the Governor’s Supreme Court victory thanksgiving at Eket, the Nigeria’s Senate President, Senator Godswill Akpabio poured encomiums on the State Chief Executive who has demonstrated superlative sagacity. Akpabio, who is an ex-governor of the State commended Governor Eno for building a network of unity bridges across the State, saying that he deserves massive support of the people.

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