
HALLELUJAH! That’s what my song will be

When God resolves to favour you, He doesn’t look at your backgound, tribe or skin colour

God will give you amazing testimony
He will give you a beautiful new song
God will change your story
From pain to gains
From despair to jubilation
God will give you a new name
The Hephzibah and delight of the Lord
BIBLE VERSE: 1 Samuel 2:8  “He (God) raises up the poor out of the dust and lifts up the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with nobles and inherit a seat of honor and glory. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and He has set the world upon them.”
Have you ever found yourself in a place of despair and hopelessness? Have you wondered if there is any way out of your current situation? I want to encourage you today with a powerful story from the book of Esther, chapter six. It is a story that shows how God can lift a person from the lowest of places to positions of honour and exaltation. This story revolves around Mordecai, a man who experienced a remarkable transformation through God’s amazing grace.
Mordecai, a faithful Jew, lived in the city of Susa during the reign of King Ahasuerus. As an exile in a foreign land, Mordecai faced numerous challenges and hardships. His life seemed to be stuck in a cycle of insignificance, as he sat daily at the king’s gate—a place often associated with rejection and obscurity. It felt like Mordecai was residing in a physical, material, spiritual, and emotional wasteland. It seemed as if his dreams and hopes had faded away.
Little did Mordecai know, God was working behind the scenes, orchestrating a series of events that would change his destiny forever. One night, King Ahasuerus found himself unable to sleep and requested the book of records to be brought before him. As he read through the records, he came across an account of Mordecai’s loyalty and bravery in uncovering a plot against the king’s life. Moved by Mordecai’s faithfulness, the king desired to honour him. But he faced a crucial decision on how he should reward this man who had saved his life? Just at that moment, Haman, the king’s trusted advisor, entered the court. The king sought Haman’s counsel on how to honour someone he delighted in honouring.
Haman, with his deep animosity towards Mordecai, never imagined that the king was planning to honour him. Blinded by his own pride and hatred, Haman suggested an extravagant display of honour and exaltation for the man the king delighted in. To his utter dismay, the king commanded Haman to carry out those suggestions for Mordecai. In an astonishing turn of events, Mordecai was lifted from his place of insignificance and obscurity to a position of prominence and honor.
This kind of lifting shall be your experience this season in Jesus name-Amen.
My dear friends, just remember, no matter how hopeless your circumstances may seem, God has the power to lift you up and turn your story around. Trust in Him and hold on to hope, for He is faithful to bring about a transformation in your life.
1.Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your faithfulness, grace, provisions and Your constant watch over my life.
2. Dear Father, just as You lifted Mordecai from the valley of despair to a place of honour and glory, I pray that You would do the same for me to the glory of Your name. Lord, I ask for Your divine intervention and favour in my current situation. May my testimonies be transformed into stories of Your grace and goodness in Jesus’ name, amen.

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HALLELUJAH! That’s How God Will Favour Me

HALLELUJAH! That’s What Your Testimony Will Be