
HALLELUJAH! That’s How God Will Favour Me

When God want to favour you, He doesn’t look at your backgound, tribe or skin colour

God’s favour is upon me
He will prepare and perfume me
Dress me in a royal garment
And set me on a place of honour
To glorify and honour His name
SCRIPTURE: Esther 2:17 – “Now the king loved Esther more than all the women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.”
The story of Esther is one of the most captivating narratives in the Bible. It is a tale of divine favour, where God’s hand was evident in every step of Esther’s journey. Through her life, we learn valuable lessons about God’s ability to lift us from a lowly state to a position of honour, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Esther was a young Jewish girl who found herself amid a challenging circumstance. She was an orphan, raised by her elderly cousin Mordecai. Her life took an unexpected turn when she was among the young virgins gathered to be considered as candidates for the position of queen to King Ahasuerus. In a moment of divine orchestration, Esther found favour in the eyes of everyone who saw her, including the king himself.
What was it about Esther that made her stand out? It wasn’t her physical beauty alone, although she was undoubtedly a beautiful woman. It was her simplicity, her humble and gentle spirit that radiated from within her. Esther did not rely on her own strength or cunning; instead, she placed her trust in God and allowed His favour to guide her steps.
One significant symbol of God’s favour in Esther’s life was the perfume given to her. In verse 12 of chapter 2, we read that each young woman underwent a year-long beauty treatment, including six months of oil of myrrh and six months of perfumes and preparations for beautifying. This luxurious treatment was not an ordinary beauty regimen. It was a sign that Esther was being set apart for a special purpose, a divine appointment to save her people.
In the same way, God desires to anoint us with His favour. He longs to set us apart for His divine purposes, to elevate us from the ordinary and bring us into extraordinary moments of influence and impact. Just as the perfume adorned Esther and made her more attractive in the eyes of the king, God’s favour adorns us and draws others to us, positioning us for His divine appointments.
Esther’s story is a powerful reminder that God can take the most ordinary people and use them for extraordinary purposes. He can take you from a place of insignificance and elevate you to a position of honour. When God’s favour rests upon you, doors open, obstacles crumble, and the impossible becomes possible.
So, let us rejoice with a resounding “Hallelujah!” because that’s how God will favour us. Let us embrace simplicity, humility, and a deep trust in our Heavenly Father. Let us allow His favour to perfume our lives and draw others to Him. Just as Esther found grace and favour in the sight of the king, we too can experience God’s unmerited favour in every aspect of our lives.
May this story of Esther remind us that God’s favour is not limited by our circumstances or social status. His favour is limitless and transcends every human barrier. Let us walk in the assurance that God can lift us from the lowest of places and position us for His divine purposes.
1. Heavenly Father, we thank You for the story of Esther, a testament to Your unfailing favour and grace. We are grateful that You can take us from a place of insignificance and elevate us to positions of honour.
2. Lord, help us to embrace simplicity, humility, and complete trust in You. Anoint us with Your favour and use us for Your divine purposes.
3. Father, reposition me as you did for Esther all for the glory of your name.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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THE POWER OF PRAYER: Initiating Supernatural Turnarounds

HALLELUJAH! That’s what my song will be