
THE POWER OF PRAYER: Initiating Supernatural Turnarounds

Prayer changes things

According to the Scriptures, praying has a profound impact on the course of life battles. Prayer can trigger a supernatural chain of events when it is carried out with faith. When you pray with faith, God begins to intervene and miraculous occurrences take place. Angels are summoned, divine favour is bestowed, and the path towards resolution of your problems is set in motion.
Friends, instead of dwelling solely on your problems and succumbing to worry and stress, it is crucial to approach God through prayer. Seek His assistance in reversing the situation, healing your ailments, providing liberation, granting favour, fulfilling your aspirations, and overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles. In praying, rather than pleading desperately by saying, “Oh God, please, You must do this,” approach Him with unwavering faith, acknowledging His omnipotence by saying,
“Father, I am aware of Your supremacy over my sickness, financial situation, unemployment, childlessness, career stagnation academic struggle or business challenges. I beseech You to pave a way even where one seems nonexistent.” We have a caring and faithful Father who will surely resolve your problem no matter how big.
In Matthew 17:20, Jesus says, “For assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” Occasionally, God gives us stark evidence of prayer’s extraordinary power. His demonstrations rarely, if ever, involve a displaced mountain. Instead, they involve everything from a sudden healing of an incurable terminal ailment to an unexpected job offer to fruitfulness to barren woman that seemed impossible.
These answered prayers tend to have a remarkable effect on people that experienced them. On the one hand, the people whose prayers are answered have something for which they can praise God for the rest of their lives. They have evidence on which to build their faith.
CHARGE: I charge you today to pray and surrender that challenging situation in your life God.
He will supernaturally and miraculously turn things around for you I Jesus name-Amen.

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INCREDIBLE LEGACY: Elder Idongesit Udom Scores Rep Unyime Idem A1 in 8 key areas.

HALLELUJAH! That’s How God Will Favour Me