
Jesus has seen your infirmity

He will pull you out and make you stronger than ever

He is aware of your pains
He will turn you mourning into dancing
And turn your shame into laughter
Because He loves and cares about you
He will surely pull you out of the pit
The world is filled with problems. Some of the problems may be small and easy to handle, while some are so big and crushing for the victim to deal with alone. Every day childless couples are lamenting seeking to hear the sound of a crying baby in their homes; orphans are everywhere looking for destiny helpers, while young graduates go hungry while searching of non-existing jobs. Many people are facing all sorts of problems ranging from terminal illness, financial crisis, drug addiction, alcoholism, career challenges, academic setbacks, marriage collapse and business failure. The list is endless.
When it comes to tackling the problems of life, we must have at the back of our minds that in every problem we face on earth, our God has a solution to it. Him alone can pull you out of your present infirmity.In L uke 13:11-12 the bible tells us about how Jesus on one fateful sabbath day saw a certain woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit for 18 years. As a result of this encounter, Jesus turned the woman’s sorrow in to dancing.
The Passion Bible version put it this way:
“One Sabbath day, while Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, he encountered a seriously handicapped woman. She was crippled and had been doubled over for eighteen years. Her condition was caused by a demonic spirit of bondage that had left her unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her condition, he called her to him and gently laid his hands on her. Then he said, “Dear woman, you are free. I release you forever from this crippling spirit.” Instantly she stood straight and tall and overflowed with glorious praise to God!”.
The bible does not disclose the name of the woman or her place of origin. But it is very clear about the fact that the woman was crippled as a result of demonic spirit that kept her in bondage. But when Jesus saw her, the whole painful story of her life change from pains, sorrows and reproach to joy and laughter.
Friends, no matter the area of your life that your life you may be facing affliction, as a covenant child of God, I want to assure you that Jesus has seen your infirmity. He will sure wipe away your tears this season.
PRAYER: My Lord and Father, I surrender my cares and burden to you knowing that only you alone can roll them away. Lord, take my infirmity (name it) and turn my reproach, pains and mourning into dancing. Lord bless me abundantly, guide my steps and make all the works of my hands to prosper in Jesus name-Amen

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