
Jesus is the chain breaker

He will break every chain

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:16, “Should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?”
MESSAGE: Our God is a chain breaker. You were not created to be bound and limited from accomplishing your dreams. The devil whose mission is only to steal, kill and destroy is the wicked one that chains people from fulfilling their destinies. But hear me friends, it doesn’t matter how big the chain that holds you might be, or how long you have been restricted or held back by those devilish chains, God is ready to release you today into abundant life of wholeness, power, and victory in Jesus’ name-Amen.
In our anchor scripture, Jesus saw a lady in the synagogue who had been chained for eighteen years. She was bent over and unable to stand up. The destiny of the lady was in prison due to her infirmity. When Jesus touched her, she was instantly set free.
We all have forces that are trying to hold us back, chains that restrict us. Chains of childlessness, chains of joblessness, chains of sickness, chains of serial divorce, chains of poverty, chains of stolen opportunities, chains of near success syndrome etc.
If you take out time and study your own family tree or that of some families in your community, you are bound to find some old rusty chains that have been limiting the destinies of members of those families. In some families the men and women run mad or go blind at a certain age, while in other families their women hardly get married. I know of a family in my community where husbands of women married from that family always die young and the women will return to father’s family as young widows.
The good news for you today is that our God is a chain breaker, and He is saying to you right now, “wipe your tears, this is your time to be free. It is not your destiny to go through life with something limiting you.” If you let these words take root in your heart, every chain that is holding you back is going to be broken for you to step into a new victorious life of abundance, fruitfulness and hope. Amen
PRAYER: Father, thank You that I can know You as my saviour, as my provider, as my healer, and as my chain breaker. Thank You that every chains in my life have been broken by your divine power and I have been set free. I believe that every force that has been holding me back and limiting my prosperity has been broken in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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