
Live Your Big Dream

Defeat every ambush against your success

The earth is an exquisite sprawling edifice created by God and assigned to man to govern.
During the inauguration of Adam in the garden of Eden, God gave man the keys to fruitfulness, dominion and other major assets on earth to hold in perpetuity. The vast oceans, mountains and creatures of every kind that combine to give splendour to the earth were part of the covenants in God’s deed of assignment of the earth to man.
But that is not all. The earth also plays host to evil much as it does to good. It is also a place of physical suffering, poverty, grief and eventual death for everyone. There is light and there is darkness, left and right, friends and enemies, bliss and despair. In every human nature, there are positive and negative qualities. The earth indeed is amazing place with potential to bestow great joy, great love, great challenges and great suffering too.
In this world of duality where everything has its opposite, how can someone truly live his dream?
How can we provoke good to triumph over the forces of evil that ambushes our daily hopes?
The journey starts now
1 Accept first that life on earth is a warfare.
In every war, you must use the right tools to defeat the enemy. To defeat the enemy, your journey must start with receiving Jesus into your life. When you do this, He will take up your battles and fight for you. This is the first step you must take to emerge victorious in your life battles and live your big dream.

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I am God’s Masterpiece

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