
Position yourself to shine

Connect with God

  1. Position yourself to shine
    • SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 60: 1-2 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you”.
    MESSAGE: It has been scientifically proven that the moon has no light of its own. What we call moonlight is not generated by the moon. All the moon does is to align itself at a particular angle to the sun, and it will reflect the light generated by the sun. Moonlight therefore is actually sunlight that shines on the moon and reflects to the world to see and enjoy. With proper alignment, the moon gives us the much-celebrated moonlight at no personal expense or stress. It is the sun that takes the burden of generating the heat and light, while the moon merely reflects the light!
    Similarly, every great destiny achievement is a function of proper alignment and positioning. Achieving your dreams as child of God is not supposed to be a product of struggles and long toiling, but as a result of proper alignment with Jesus Christ – the Sun of righteousness. When you are correctly positioned to Him, you will easily reflect His glory without struggles. He will generate all the heat and light, while you merely enjoy a reflection of the light and having all your dreams fulfilled.
    Having all your dreams fulfilled is not a picnic game; it is a result of a quality walk with God. Therefore, you must know how to correctly position yourself for God to bring your destiny to fulfillment.
    Friends forget about your current situation and focus completely on God like Joseph, Esther, Ruth etc. Despite their condition, the light of God visited them and brought glory that turned their lives around. May God visit you this season and cause his light and glory to flow in your life in Jesus name- Amen.
PRAYER: My father and my God, visit me today with your light and glory. Take away every darkness from me. Cause my destiny to manifest its glory in Jesus name-Amen,

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