
Townhall Platform connect with God-Monday 23rd, November 2020

God will send you help

TOPIC: God will send you help
SCRIPTURURE: Psalm 121: 1-3 “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber”.
MESSAGE: Life is full of challenging circumstances. Some of those circumstances of life are so bitter that you need a shoulder to lean on. Most often those human shoulders we seek to lean on always fail us. But those who lean on the Lord shall surely receive strength and help no matter the size of their challenges. God has promised that he will never leave you or forsake you. He will be your shelter in the storm in Jesus name-Amen
I met a man named Daniel in 2015 in Uyo whose wife died and left behind three young children, the eldest being 4 years old. As a mason, I saw agony in Daniels eyes as he chucked the block on the building site. My curiosity made me to enquire about what was troubling him and he opened up. After narrating his story, I followed him to see the kids across the street. The situation was quite agonising and extremely traumatic. He told me that since his wife died of mysterious disease after his last child’s birth, that his world has completely fallen apart as his happiness was also buried with his wife in the grave. I said a few words of encouragement to Daniel and left. In 2019, I later met Daniel again and found him completely transformed. As an honest mason, someone from nowhere had watched him and recommended him to be part of the construction of a chain of buildings and serve also as the store keeper of millions of naira worth of building materials for the project. Daniel served the man honestly as store keeper and was compensated sumptuously at the end of the project. The man also made him one of his right-hand personal staff. Daniel thereafter moved forward, re-married, regain his happiness and the children are so healthy looking under the new mother who has also added another sibling to the family.
Friends, the same God that sent help to Daniel in his dejected state will surely send you help and rescue you from frustration and life challenges. Amen
PRAYER: My Father and my God I come before you in a humble way. Send me help for my healing, business, children, job, marriage, vision, academic (Name them). Lord uphold me with your right hand and help me in Jesus name-Amen

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