
Hon Unyime Idem’s Elephant footprint

Like the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)

On Tuesday 22nd December 2020, Hon Unyime Idem caused an earth tremor when he dropped a human friendly ‘Mother of All Bombs’ (MOAB) in Ukanafun, Nigeria during the first phase of the implementation of his empowerment progamme and constituency briefing.  The ‘bomb’ shrapnel flew everywhere and inflicted positive impacts on every corners of Ukanafun ,Oruk Anam federal constituency.  The people did not see it coming in such a huge magnitude, as such their earlier forecast failed.  Hon Idem shocked everyone including his harshest critics who now bow in grudging respect to him.

With this record shattering empowerment, everyone now sees Mr Idem as “a riddle wrapped in mystery inside enigma”, with allusive key. But what is the key to this mystery? What is the secret behind his records bursting empowerment? Many asked in their dumbfounded mood.

Let me hastily and honestly add here that I perceive that the key is forged by Idem’s desire to enfranchise his people with the secret to the vault of wealth. This is a good and pure motive which makes his action meritorious because of his focus on posterity not the next election.

Coming from a private sector background and representing a purely rural federal constituency with mostly poor agrarian population, few petty traders and artisans, Hon. Idem appears to have seen and envisioned a future for his people which others may not see. His action is equivalent to a man consumed with the desire to even the poverty odds against his people by using the ancient Jewish wealth creation code of teaching the people how to fish.  This account for why he bravely derided the current granite economic clouds occasioned by Covid-19 to build an economic bridge into the future for his constituents.

By capturing over 1000 of his constituents in various fields of craft on 22nd December 2020 and equipping them with professional tools, Idem did not only break the mould, he also flipped the page by pointing to a new horizon of thinking and acting for leaders.

At a chance encounter, the first impression you are bound to sense about Hon Unyime Idem is a man with a strong sense of destiny, a brimming headlamp to his generation sent to open new vistas of hope for his people. His listening capacity, mild manner, the armour of quietness he wears, humility and visionary nature are his core assets that set him apart from other leaders.

From thin paper, Hon Idem translated his promise into thick action  on 22nd December 2020 by presenting 5 Cars, 5 Mini buses, 1 super Market, 85 Motorcycles, 100 sewing machines,100 hair dressing equipment (dryer and all components) and 100 sets of barbing equipment (Generator, clipper other things to beneficiaries in the programme. He also gave 151 people received N100,000  while 62 people received N50,000 as Business Support. As part of the programme, 4 Students got full scholarships while financial support was given to 200 widows. Other people who were also empowers were capenters, electricians, tilers, masons, Make up artists,, painters, bakers,vulcanizers, mecharonisc,  stylists, fashion designer, cobblers, leader workers etc.

Breakdown of constituency Projects within 1year and 6 months:

  1. 1000-seater capacity State of the art skills acquisition and empowerment center at Ikot Udo Obobo, Ukanafun
  2. 1000- seater Capacity state of the art Skills acquisition and empowerment center, Ikot Okoro in Oruk ANAM
  3. 1000- seater Capacity Agricultural skills acquisition center at Ikot Udo abobo, Ukanafun
  4. Digital E- learning center with 40 computer sets and solar electricity at Community High School, Usung Atiat, Ukanafun
  5. Digital E- learning center with 40 computer sets and solar electricity at Afaha High School, Ikot Udombang, Ukanafun
  6. ICT learning center with 40 computer sets and solar electricity at Community Secondary School, Urua Ekpaenang
  7. Digital E- learning center with 40 computer sets and solar electricity and 20KVA generator at Community Secondary School, Mbiatok
  8. 2 Nos Classroom block with VIP toilet at Community Secondary School, Usung Atiat, Ukanafun
  9. 6 Classroom block with VIP toilet at Community Secondary School, Usung Atiat, Ukanafun.
  10. 6 Classroom blocks with VIP toilet at Community Secondary School, Ikot Oku Using, Ukanafun
  11. 1 No of 6 Classroom block with VIP toilet at skill acquisition center, Ikot Udo Obobo
  12. Community Civic center, Usung Atiat
  13. Solar- powered water scheme, Usung Atiat
  14. House for widow, Ikot Udo Obobo
  15. 1 No of 6 Classroom block with VIP toilet at Government model School, Obio Akpa


God bless you brother

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Tall tales in Akwa Ibom

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