
STEP INTO YOUR DESTINY ( Special Easter Edition)

STEP INTO YOUR DESTINY ( Special easter Edition)
Walking out of slavery
Into all that God has planned for me
Chains are falling at my feet
Moving forward, now I see
My past can’t go with me
As I step into my destiny now
The above lyrics is the first stanza of the original sound track of Travis Greene’s song CROSSOVER. It speaks of our freedom from chains and darkness. The message in the song tells us that through Christ’s finished work on the cross, we can crossover and step into our marvelously destiny planned for us by God.
Over two thousand years ago, Jesus fought a three-day freedom war that resulted in the ultimate redemption of the entire human race. In the highly tense episodic events that happened between his betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection, several transactions took place at the realm of the spirit to set mankind free. The bible gives us a clue to those transactions in Galatia 5:1 “At last, we have freedom, for Christ has set us free! We must always cherish this truth and firmly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past”
Christ went through several ordeals before His death to accomplish the divine transaction for the redemption on mankind. He was betrayed by his disciple, wrongly accused, spatted up and flogged with spikes. He stumbled and fell many times while carrying the heavy cross. He was nailed to the cross and his side pieced with a sharp spear. They put a crown of thorns on his head and gave him vinegar instead of water when he became thirsty. But despite these ordeals, Christ endured eight gruesome hours hanging on the cross and three-day dark hours in the grave before his final resurrection and ascension to sit on the right hand of God the father.
Christ painful experience and his victory at the cross was a victory for all of us. This is why he uttered his last word: “it is finished “, before he gave up the ghost.
At the cross, Christ executed some critical spiritual transactions. He willfully became cursed so that we may be blessed with abundant life (Galatians 3:13). He was wounded for our transgression that so that we could be healed by his stripes (Isaiah 53:5) Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness so that we could be made righteous with His righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21) Jesus endured our poverty so that we might share in His abundance.
Friends, Christ three-day victorious war, His finished work on the cross and resurrection opened and door for us to step into our God’s originally designed destiny. As your take the advantage of this easter season to commit and rededicate your lives to Christ, the promised life of abundance will you portion in Jesus’ name
• Lord Jesus, I acknowledge the prize you paid for my sins on the cross. I surrender and turn over my life completely to You. Give me the ability I need to stand and grow from strength to strength, faith to faith, grace to grace and glory to glory in Jesus’ name-Amen.
• Lord, I re-dedicate and submit my life to you Lord Jesus in appreciation of the supreme prize you paid for me. Holy spirit take total control upon the throne of my heart and cause me to step into my flourishing destiny. Bless the works of my hands in Jesus’ name-Amen.

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THE HOPE : Ekpenyong Efx Ekpenyong & Ndiana-Abasi Nana Udom

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