
Tell your money where it should go for you to be blessed

Financial freedom does not come from making more money. It comes from spending your money prudently.

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 21:5 “Plan carefully and you will have plenty; if you act too quickly, you will never have enough.”
Welcome to the month of August. This month shall usher in fresh blessings of exceeding abundance in your life.
THE TRUTH: In today’s world, everyone wants to be financially free, comfortable and responsible. But most of the people who seek financial freedom do not know how to tell their money where it should go.
Money as we all know is a speed machine that run very fast. Anybody with money in his account or pocket without proper spending plan or budget will wake up one day to see that the whole money has disappeared through worthless spending. Spending money therefore, requires careful planning and budgeting.
KEY TO FINANCIAL BLESSING: As a Christian, your key to experiencing God’s blessing in your finances is to embrace the principle of budgeting and planned spending. This simply means that you should tell your money the profitable way it should go.
A budget simply means a planned spending. It is a system of telling your money where you want it to go rather than wondering where it went after aimless spending. If you are expecting money or you just receive a sudden cash flow, you must sit down first and determine how you want to spend the money and then proceed to comply strictly with your budget plan.
Financial freedom does not come from making more money. It comes from spending your money prudently. Financial freedom is not based on how much you make; it is based on how you spend what you make wisely.
If you don’t know how to manage small money at your current level, you are not likely to know how to manage more money if you go higher. No matter how much or how little income you have, you need to learn how to plan your spending.
WISDOM IS PROFITABLE: Our anchor scripture in Proverbs 21:5 says, “Plan carefully and you will have plenty; if you act too quickly, you will never have enough” In the scripture here “acting too quickly” can be equated to impulse buying—spontaneous, unplanned spending. Impulse buying has this attitude: You see it and you want it, so you get it.
In order to break the habit of impulse buying, you must embrace the strict principle of budgeting. Through budgeting you are able to tell your money where you want it to go. Such destinations could be buying land, buying a house or building your personal house to gain freedom from hostile landlords and high rent.
Other destinations to send your money could be children school fees, home maintenance bills, health checks, utility bills, humanitarian works, church tithe and offering, miscellaneous etc. With proper budgeting, you simply shop less and focus mostly on essential things.
GOD WANTS TO BLESS YOU: God want to bless his children, but He wants to see their faithfulness in money management. He wants to be convinced that you be a responsible steward and trustee of the kingdom when He entrusts you with abundant wealth.
THE CHARGE: I charge you friends to develop the habit of budgeting, financial prudence and resource management for God to entrust you with more resources. Ensure that a good portion of your budget spending is devoted to God’s kingdom matters such as caring for the needy, church project, evangelism and human capital development. If you tell your money to go that way, God will surely bless you in abundance.
PRAYER: Lord , forgive me for allowing myself in the past to become a servant instead of a steward of my finances. Heal me from any wrong motives or attempts to accumulate wealth for selfish motives. Teach me how to manage the finances You have entrusted to me, to use my money in a way that both honours you and makes a contribution to Your Kingdom. Bless my the more and entrust more resources to manage in Jesus name-Amen

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