
They are destiny killers

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They are destiny killers
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 7:15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.”
MESSAGE:A wolf in sheep’s clothing is symbolic for someone who outwardly looks harmless and kind with good intentions but inwardly is full of hate, evil and deceit. Remember the serpent in the garden of Eden. That is how they are- gentle, subtle and very persuasive. Jesus in his teaching warned us about this caliber of people. They twist truth and scriptures to suit their own evil agenda. Some of them deceive their audience with false prophecies, concocted revelations and wrong theology. May God protect us from these ferocious wolves in Jesus name-Amen
At the heart of the battle for your destiny you fight every day, the wolf in sheep clothing is the real enemy who prowls around seeking to devour your glorious future. (1 Pet. 5:8). They can come as pastors, sisters, brothers or office colleagues with their evil mission against your life. Most often it is close family members who know your soft underbelly and weak points who play the wolves in sheep clothing to crash your marriage, career or subvert your life. They usually come gently and harmless without any initial signs that they are agents of darkness delegated to destroy your destiny. May the Lord grant you a discerning mind and the spirit of vigilance to identify these destiny killers before they strike in Jesus name-Amen.
PRAYER: My Lord and God I thank you for giving me a glorious destiny. I pray thee Lord to open my discerning spirit to be alert to detect and avoid wolves in sheep clothing coming to kill my destiny. Cause my destiny to flourish from glory to glory in Jesus name-Amen.

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