
Udo Ekpenyong is setting agenda for upcoming victories in Akwa Ibom PDP

He is a square peg in a square hole

Authored by–Ofonime Udotu

Hon. Udo Ekpenyong, the current State Chairman, PDP Akwa Ibom State is one of the most active politicians on his two feet. Since his inauguration as the State chairman of the party last year, the party has experienced a further groundswell under his watch. This piece written by Ofonime Udotu gives an insight into  PDP in Akwa Ibom Under Udo Ekpenyong and upcoming victories in future elections.

The sweeping victory of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) during the last Local Government elections was not unexpected. One, the State is a stronghold of the umbrella party since the inception of our incipient democracy. Two, the party has the capacity for grassroots mobilization, just like it puts the opposition parties on firing line. Gasping for breath for survival as they may, they have a tough task putting what is left of their house in order with hungry followership. And like a secured marriage, the ruling Party has been insured by fruits of love as it transits from victory to victory.
The party has sustained its resounding victories since 1999. The Peoples Democratic Party obviously keys into the advice of Roy Bennett to those who want to succeed. Listen to the philosopher: “Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you”. At the helms of affairs of the Party is Obong Udo Ekpenyong who could aptly be described as a political meteorologist, a pundit who can forecast political vagaries with circumspect, but shocking precision. Bringing his talent to bear in his staggering assignment, he gives himself and the party its deepest impact. He has translated many political dreams into reality.
Addressing Chapter and Ward Chairmen recently, the State Chairman charged them to work in one accord as champions who must ensure victory for the party. He stressed the need for the party executives to sustain the tempo of commitment and loyalty, thanking their collective effort in the landslide victory of the Local Government polls.
Since assumption of office, encomiums have been pouring in from many quarters to extol this man of charity and goodwill. The youths of Obio Ndot in Oruk Anam Local Government Area have left no one in doubt that they are happy about the elevation of their son-in-law as the State Chairman of the party. They described him as a perfect choice for the State Chairmanship seat and expressed the hope that with his wealth of experience and hardwork, the former Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs will move the party from success to success.
A statement signed by the Vice President of Obio Ndot, Mr. Nsidibe Tommy Ekanem prayed God to give Obong Ekpenyong good health and enablement to discharge his official duties creditably. The statement pledged the support of Obio Ndot people to Governor Udom Emmanuel Administration and the Completion Agenda.
For Ekpenyong, winning is the transformation of a dream through a well-mapped out strategy that leaves the opponent in limbo, borrowing a large leaf from experience and analytical study of the strength and weaknesses of opponents. This is even as focus and timing determine reality. In an analogy of timeliness as a tool for fast-tracking achievement, it has been advised, “whatsoever thou resolvest to do, do it quickly. Defer not till the evening what the morning may accomplish”. He cannot afford the luxury of procrastination which is an indication of lack of hindsight.
Over the years, Hon. Ekpenyong has grazed on critical political pasture, though without a godfather, that has prepared him for his future, his today. As the scripture has noted, to do great things we must first be able to do small things perfectly. From his humble but arduous grassroots politicking, Ekpenyong has become an epitome of creative ideas for desirable results.
With a foundation of victory, the PDP can move to greater heights so long as marketable candidates are the choice of the electorate who have the eagle eye assessment of who should occupy which office. More grease to PDP’s elbow.

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