
Katsina school kidnap and Buhari’s ineptitude

Thank God they were not coverted to child suicide bombers

The abduction and subsequent release of about 344 teenage boys of government science school Kankara  by boko haram has further exposed the lies and ineptitude of the Buhari’s led government. Quite unlike the north east with the thick sambasa forest serving as a protective armour for boko haram, Kankara is largely a desert terrain without any bush or forest. How then were the terrorists able to move a bulk of 344 students to their hide out? Remember our land borders were all closed before the abduction of the school boys. What kind of logistics did the terrorist deploy to convey such volume of people from a school located in the president’s very home state to their hideout?

Thank God the boys have now been released in exchange for something because we all know that terrorists are not father Christmas. If millions of dollars have been given to them in exchange for the release of the kids, they will use that money to get more weapons. If some of their captured top commanders have also been released to them as a condition, Boko haram has also won. My happiness is that the boys have been released and their future secured because I was deeply afraid that they will be converted to child jihadists and suicide bombers.

No sacrifice can be so great when it comes to securing the lives and future of your citizens

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