
The Local Ebonyi Man, Vincent Aluu Celebrates Birthday

Happy bitthday to a cerebral workaholic

Vincent Aluu is an Akwa Ibom based Media/ PR profesional, Author, Publisher, Digital Marketer, Business Mgt/ICT Consultant & Blogger. As an essayist, public commentator/analyst and author, he has published hundreds of articles in both national and international journals.

Mr Aluu who is a very cerebral scholar with a PhD in view recently published a bulk work titled Contemporary Issues In Nigeria’s Federalism And Intergovernmental Relations.

In a review of the book Mr Osondu Ahirika  wrote:

This book is a sneak peek into the concept of federalism, features and aberrations of the federalist system with specific interrogation of the fault lines, horrors and misconstructions of this operational structure in the evolution of the Nigeria State.
Apart from its strength of reflection while dwelling on the pre-independence and post-independence political and Constitutional development in Nigeria with a comprehensive review of the practice of federalism in Nigeria, the book examines the current state of affairs vis-a’vis the institutional processes of intergovernmental relations between the three arms of Government, as indeed it further probes the enablers and disablers of the relationship between the three tiers of Government.
The pitfalls of Nigeria’s federalism and observed impediments of the dichotomous exclusive, concurrent and residual lists are also generously highlighted with commensurate remedies and advocacies rendered.
The aspects which I liked the most are the contemporaneous existentialist perspective of the socio-cultural, political and economic challenges ravaging the nation, including degenerative insecurity manifest in Boko Haram, banditry, farmer/herder clashes and Niger Delta militancy, police brutality leading to the
#EndSars protest and its aftermath, even as the study makes submissions for regional security.
The unabating call for restructuring also gets an extensive look-in as the author makes Patriotic propositions towards improving the practice of federalism and achieving what is now famous agitation in Nigeria referred to as True Federalism.
Overall, the book with eight chapters, spanning 308 pages, complete with references is a deep academic read.
Contemporary Issues In Nigeria’s Federalism And Intergovernmental Relations by Vincent Aluu is in my consideration a wealthy addition to the repertoire of expressed and researched knowledge into the notion of Good governance and Federalism as a concept of nation building.
The single weakness of the book which exposes all our challenges in terms of resource/ revenue allocation, Federal character in composition and appointments, lacuna in community policing, military interventionism, nepotism, electoral malfeasance, religious and tribal bigotry, the politics of oil deregulation among other evils of our society fails to intervene in the growing Biafran secessionist debacle , entangling Independent People of Biafra, IPOB and the rampaging Eastern Security Network, ESN.
The print quality of the book is superb and the language is simple, modern and lucid. In research and citations the author is detailed, comprehensive and informative.
The book is the authors proposal to achieve peaceful co-existence, social justice, equity and fairness in a country as Nigeria with so much potentiality.
I highly recommend this book for lecturers/students/ researchers and scholars in the social sciences as indeed for every lover of knowledge and those who wish to lead as public servants.

As a person who has read through Aluu’s book, I consider Mr Osundu review of the book to be  intellectually honest.

I have known Mr Aluu for about four years now and found him to a young man who is ardently passionate about whatever his hand touches to do.

As Ebonyi man who has spent well over 20 years in Akwa Ibom and speaks Ibibio fluently, I consider him as our brother because of his capacity to integrate and flow well with our culture.

On this auspicious day of Vincent’s birth, I call on everyone to send goodwill birthday messages to our.

May the good Lord guide you and cause you to embrace the submit of your dream.

Happy birthday VINCENTE

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